The community goal for the Glenside reserves is to protect, enhance and promote them. The historic Halfway House is on the main Glenside Reserve.
In 2023 and 2024, the Association hosted three wallks on the Glenside Reserve to obtain feedback from local authority officials and the community on what needs to be done to protect the wildlife (birds and fish) and enhance the main Glenside reserve for public access. A link to the Discussion Document is below.
Discussion Document - Glenside Reserve Walk -(2023, 2024) PDF (3.8 MB)
This document builds on earlier reports. In 2004, Wellington City Council commissioned a Glenside Reserve Future Options report and the Glenside Streamcare Group prepared a report with their ideas for the Reserve. In 2008 the Wellington City Council prepared a draft Northern Reserves Management Plan for consultation. The Glenside Progressive Association was active in bringing the community together to make submissions on these reports and plans.
Glenside Reserves
The Glenside Reserves consist of three areas of land. Westchester Drive dissects the main reserve.
The largest reserve area is beside Monterey and Twigland Gardeners World. It is where the Halfway House and Newlands/Paparangi Pony Club are.

The second area of reserve began as the Glenside Estate developer contribution in 1930. It is located behind the bus stop on Middleton Road on the north side of Westchester Drive .The community vision for this area in 2005, was for it to be developed as a village green.
(Full village green concept sketch)
The third area of reserve is a small walkway off Glenside Road. It once had a bridge across to the main road, however the stream has been diverted and access has been lost. The walkway now enables contractor access to infrastructure.