The Association mission statement for traffic safety is
To develop a series of multi use trails for horses,
cyclists and walkers from Glenside Reserve
Strategic traffic calming in Glenside
There are two main projects to support the visions. There are:
The development of the Middleton Road walkway linking Glenside Reserve to Willowbank Reserve
Calming of traffic through planting, traffic gateways and improved signage
The Association maintains a record of community road safety projects. The current status of these projects is summarised below with input and progress being identified by observation, networking and as actions raised at meetings.
The Glenside traffic safety project received an honourable mention from Land Transport NZ when it was submitted to their annual national road safety competition in 2006

Group 1: Middleton Road – Rural
Project No. 1
Location: Length of Middleton Road (rural)
Target: Reduce speed limit.
Work required: Reduce speed limit from Open Road to 60kph.
Status: Started. 2004.
Update: July 2006. New 70kph speed limit imposed. Two year trial.
Project No. 2
Location: Willowbank Rd/ Debris Arrestor
Target: Reduce speed limit
Work required: Extend 50kph to debris arrestor
Status: Started 2004.
Update: July 2006. 50kph limit extended. Two year trial.
Project No. 7
Location: Length of Middleton Rd/ Willowbank Rd
Target: Safe cycleway (and walkway)
Work required: Provide designated cycleway
Status: Started. 2003
March 2009
Glenside residents undertake traffic counts on Middleton Road, including pedetrians and cyclists.
A Glenside resident meets with Johnsonville Police expressing concern at the speeding along Middleton Road. Snr Sgt Buttar e-mails his staff asking them to have a presence on Middleton Road rural policing speeding drivers.
25 February 2009
Residents encouraged to make submissions for funding the walkway through the Long Term Council Community Plan in the February issue of the community newsletter.
Steve Spence of Wellington City Council meets with residents to discuss the Ngauranga Triangle transport project. The meeting advises him that the community priority is for funding a combined cycleway and walkway along Middleton Road. Mr Spence agrees that this could be considered as part of the Ngaraunga study and will take the community view back to Council. He asks what number of cyclists currently use the road daily, as Council has not undertaken traffic counts on this. He is advised that it was counted by a resident several years ago and was in the vicinity of 150 daily.
16 July 2008
Walkway discussed at Assn. community meeting. Councillors to be surveyed on what they are doing with regard to getting a Walking Strategy on the Council planning cycle and to ask them to have the 2005 plan revisited with a view to costing less. Concern that Northern Ward Councillors are not actively seeking and monitoring road safety issues in the Ward.
Land Transport NZ crash list report for Middleton Road provided to the meeting and discussed.
16 July 2008
GPA President meets with WCC roading engineer Stephen Harte and expresses concern that lighting could be installed without a walkway and prevent a walkway going in. He advises that it is possible lighting could go in without a walkway on Middleton Road as the funding comes from different budgets. He notes that nothing will be done this forthcoming financial year on lighting or walkway as it has not been budgeted for.
10 July 2008
GPA President notes that cyclists have an e-petition City Council web-site for lighting along the rural part of Middleton Road that opened 18 April and closes 18 July.
16 June 2008
GPA President e-mails Chair of Combined Northern Ward Residents Assns. and asks for Traffic Safety to go on the agenda. Issues of concern include no safe crossing for children at round-abouts, top end of Middleton Road; no dedicated policing presence for traffic safety based at Johnsonville Community Policing Centre; Walking Strategy dropped off Council's agenda; no works progressed on making Johnsonville's main street safer at the southern traffic light intersection.
19 May 2007
President discussions concern about speeding traffic on Middleton Road with Senior Sergeant Marty Parker of Johnsonville Police as a result of a complaint from a resident.
Combined Middleton Road walkway/cycleway introduced into the Council’s 10 year plan.
Middleton Road Walkway Landscape Plan prepared for City Council with indicative costs. Includes a combined walkway/cycleway.
Shoulders sealed. Regular road sweeping now in place.
Project No. 8
Location: Willowbank Rd
Target: Pedestrian
Work required: Extend footpath to Takapu Railway.
Status: Started.
Update: See Item 7.
Project No. 9
Location: Willowbank Rd to Westchester Drive East along Middleton Road.
Target: Pedestrian
Work required: Provide walkway, possibly as boardwalk in places
Status: Started.
Update: See Item 7.
Project No. 14
Location: Length of Glenside Gorge
Target: Speed advisory signs
Work required: Improved road signage at all corners.
Status: Started 2003
16 July 2008
Meeting with WCC roading engineer Stephen Harte. The Assn. advises him there was another accident on Piebald corner and requests the advisory signs be installed as was required as part of the 2003 Road Safety plan. He will look into it.
October 2007
Assn request to WCC Traffic Unit to install the speed advisory signs as promissed.
Jan 2005
WCC Traffic Unit advise that speed advisory and cycle/horse warning signs are being designed.
WCC commitment to complete in 2005 as part of the speed limit reduction.
Project No. 15
Location: Debris arrestor, Rowells Road
Target: Roadside parking and train spotting
Work required: Identify & provide laybys for safe off road parking.
Status: Started 2004.
Update: See Item 7. Sites identified in the Middleton Road Walkway Project proposal.
Project No. 18
Location: Heritage protection on road,
Target: Two Milkstands, WWII infrastructure, Heritage
Work required: Protect heritage
Status: Started 2002.
January 2009
Three railway heritage enthusiasts are taken on a tour of railway and WWII heritage in Glenside by Assn. president Claire Bibby. The Glenside website is updated with images of WWII infrastructure. The railway enthusiasts are Mike Mellor, Brent Efford (editor of Tramway Topics magazine) and Dave Parsons.
October 2007
Milkstand at 400 Middleton Road listed on WCC District Plan as heritage.
Submission made to include the milkstands and anti-tank traps on the WCC District Plan heritage list.

Group 2: Middleton Road – Glenside Village area
Project No. 19
Location: Middleton Rd to motorway interchange
Target: Pedestrian
Work required: Walkway from Glenside Reserve to Seton Nossiter park.
Status: Started 2005.
25 February 2009
Footpath discussed at Assn. meeting. The community needs to identify its priority - having the Middleton Road cycleway/walkway funded, or having the Westchester Drive East walkway funded. This will be discussed at the April 2009 meeting of the Assn.
Oct 2007
WCC Parks & Reserves provide an update to the Assn. meeting.
WCC intend to put an access from Glenside Reserve to Seton Nossiter Park via Motorway Interchange on Westchester Drive East.
WCC are still thinking footpaths flush to road edge rather than walkway with grass buffer.
The Assn. reminded Council that the foot bridge is on the north side of the interchange and requires access across Westchester Drive East and the proposed round-about.
Council & Community Vision not aligned. Council want footpaths flush to road edge. The Association wants a walkway or a foothpath with a grass buffer to road edge.
Project No. 20
Location: Westchester Drive East/Motorway interchange
Target: Speed advisory signs
Work required: Install 50 kph speed signs uphill. Additional 50 kph downhill
Status: Started 2003.
Initial discussions held 2003 and in continued in 2004 submission on the Lincolnshire Farm development adjacent to Grenada Village.
Additional road advisory signs are not supported by Council.
Project No. 24
Location: Westchester Drive in Glenside
Target: Road name change
Work required: Begin process to change name from Westchester Drive and Westchester Drive East to a new name. On-going confusion for mail deliveries, taxis and emergency services
Status: Started 2002.
City Council names the road from the interchange up to Mark Avenue Grenada Drive.
Nov 2007:
Grenada Village & Glenside Assn. seek an update from Cnrs Wain and Best at the Northern Ward Combined Residents Assn. meeting.
Nov 2006:
Council consults on road names for Westchester Drive East and road from interchange to Mark Avenue. Association suggests Halfway Hill. No decision made.
Renamed Westchester Drive East as temporary measure.

Group 3: Glenside/ Stebbings Rd
Project No. 34
Location: From Middleton Rd to Stebbings Dam and up Stebbings Valley to Marshall Ridgeline and Ohariu Ridgeline.
Target: Walkway and horse riding trail
Work required: Combined horse and walkers trail to provide access to Marshall Ridge, Stebbings Valley and Ohariu Ridgeline.
Status: Started.
February 2009
Barry Blackett and Claire Bibby of the Assn. meet with Cnr Wade-Brown, Cnr Ngaire Best, and Council officers Amber Bills and Brent McKay. The Assn. registers its disapproval at Councils handling of DP33 in which the developer seeks the lifting of Hilltops and Ridgelines overlay and links it with his Stebbings Valley Reserves Agreement. It appears to the Assn. that there is no plan to link a reserve walkway from Stebbings Dam to Marshall trig or for the retention of the Hilltop and Ridgeline overlay at its most publicly visible areas.
6 May 2008
Community and Council meet on site to discuss Westchester Drive extension. Cnr Celia Wade-Brown reminds Council of the proposal for a walkway. It will partially be on Stebbings Road. Unclear how and where it connects at Middleton Road end or where it goes after reaching Stebbings Dam.
Oct 2007:
Walkway included in Westchester Drive link road planning.
Sept 2007:
Cnr Andy Foster asks Council Officers to negotiate for a walkway as part of Stebbings Valley development.
Assn. submission to Open Space Access Plan. Walkways now progressing through Outer Green Belt and Open Spaces Access plan for walkways.

Group 4: Rowells Road.
Project No. 37
Location: Waterfall steps
Target: Road safety
Work required: Clear stream passage so that stream flows under Rowells Road instead of over it in wet weather.
Status: Started 2007. Now completed.
June 2008
Stream passage cleared. Road reinstated.
May 2008
Road collapses for the second time in two years in a washout caused by water overflowing the road.
Oct 2007:
The Assn. asked WCC Traffic Safety to clear it. On site meeting to be arranged.